
Digital Design

Transforming a masterpiece into a nightscape to help citizens see the star-gazing, wildlife benefiting perks of low-impact lighting.

"low-impact lighting is featured throughout the concept to unlock the brightness above and charm within the design"

Challenge: Visualizing a Low-Impact Lighting Community

Solution: Transforming Artwork into a Nighttime Masterpiece

Michael, working closely with Stringfellow P&D, undertook the challenge of transforming Vasily Vasilenko’s stunning watercolor artwork into a captivating nightscape. The objective was to illustrate how strategically placed and calibrated lighting would enhance the community’s nighttime ambiance without overpowering the natural beauty of the Florida landscape or dimming the brilliance of the night stars.

Crafting a Magical Nightscape

The conversion process required meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of lighting principles. Michael skillfully modified the artwork to depict the community at night, infusing it with a warm, welcoming, and magical atmosphere. The placement of individual windows in homes, community centers, and pools illuminated the night scene, creating a sense of life and vibrancy. Street lamps and enchanting lightning bugs gracefully weaved throughout the artwork, adding a touch of whimsy to the composition.

Capturing the Transition from Farmland to Urban Development

In line with the vision for the community, the lighting in the artwork was carefully orchestrated to showcase a gradual transition from farmland to suburban and finally to urban development. This thoughtful progression was reflected in the artwork, with the lighting softly and gradually growing from left to right, mirroring the evolution of the community itself.

Collaboration and Speedy Design Submission

Close collaboration between Michael and Stringfellow P&D played a pivotal role in the project’s success. The tight deadline necessitated swift action, and Michael rose to the occasion, delivering a beautifully transformed design within 24 hours. This design was instrumental in the final winning proposal for the low-impact lighting community in Groveland.

Conclusion: Bringing Vision to Life through Nighttime Imagery

By leveraging his expertise in visual design and lighting principles, Michael successfully transformed Vasily Vasilenko’s artwork into a captivating nightscape for Stringfellow Planning and Design. The resulting image showcased the community’s carefully planned lighting infrastructure, illustrating how it would enhance the nighttime ambiance while preserving the natural beauty of the surroundings. Through effective collaboration and quick turnaround, Michael’s contribution played a vital role in the winning proposal, allowing the firm to convey their vision to stakeholders and achieve their goal of creating a thoughtfully illuminated community in Groveland.

Stringfellow Planning & Design
Urban Planning & Development
Graphic Design
Photo Manipulation
Art Direction
Winter Park, FL
Project Team
Alex Stringfellow
Vasily Vasilenko
Michael Diaz